
Shenzhen Polytechnic (SZPT) announces the launch of the project course.

The news about the launch of course in SZPT funded by Erasmus+CBHE project (SDGsJR) was released

by Top Stare on Global Education. To view the announcement, click here.

The news about the launch of course in SZPT funded by Erasmus+CBHE project (SDGsJR) was released by The Chinese Education New. To view the announcement, click here.

The news about the launch of course in SZPT funded by Erasmus+CBHE project (SDGsJR) was released by Education Daily. To view the announcement, click here.

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Prof. Óscar Rodil Marzábal

Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, University of Santiago de Compostela

Avda do Burgo, s/n. Campus Norte, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain)

